Fried Asparagus with Wasabi Ranch Dip

This salmon dish is served with wasabi mayonnaise and topped with crunchy potato chips. Put in the oven for a few minutes to achieve the perfect crunch to you meal.

Servings 1


  • Asparagus (150)
  • Panko (20g)
  • Batter
  • Flour (20g)
  • Water (24g)
  • Parmesan Cheese (20g)
  • Italian Parsley (2.5g)
  • Oil for Deep Frying (0.50g)
  • Ranch Dip
  • Mayonnaise (25g)
  • Sour cream (10g)
  • Grated Wasabi
  • Lemon Juice (3g)
  • Onion (7.5g)
  • Garlic (1g)
  • Celery (5g)
  • Salt (1g)
  • Pepper (0.5g)
  • Sugar (0.05g)


  • 1Mince the onion, garlic and celery and mix together with the ranch dip ingredients in a bowl.
  • 2Cut the asparagus and dip in the batter
  • 3Deep fry in oil at 170C
  • 4Finish with parsley and dip with ranch dressing

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