Bigeye Tuna with Wasabi Avocado Salsa

Bigeye Tuna sashimi with a avocado and kizami wasabi salsa dip. Add some additional flavor by utilizing balsamic vinegar for a sashimi dish without soy sauce.

Servings 1


  • Bigeye Tuna (40g)
  • Balsamic Sauce
  • Olive Oil (15g)
  • Balsamic Vinegar (10g)
  • Lemon Juice (7g)
  • Salsa Dip
  • Kizami Wasabi (10g)
  • Avocado (20g)
  • Lemon Juice (3g)
  • White Pepper (0.10g)


  • 1Mix the Kizami Wasabi, Avocado, Lemon juice and white pepper together to make your salsa dip
  • 2Add the olive oil, balsamic vinegar and lemon juice in a separate bowl to make the sauce
  • 3Cut the tun a into bite size slices
  • 4Top with (1) and drizzle with (2)

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